Holi Hai – 2024

By |2024-03-21T18:44:25-07:00Monday Mar 18th, 2024|2024 Events|

Let’s celebrate the amazing festival of HOLI with Colours, Music and Dance!


Our forthcoming function organized by the Victoria Hindu temple is the colourful festival of Holi !

🗓️Sunday, March 24,
⏳11:00AM.- 3:00PM

Venue: Centennial Park
7526 Wallace Dr, Saanichton, BC V8M 1V8
Shelter #2

Please register your visit at the link below:

We need to get estimate for planning and for the snacks. Please register🙏
Live event link: bit.ly/victoriaholi2024

FREE event!!!!
Colours will be provided
Light lunch will be served

We need volunteers for Holi Hai event. Please contact us for additional questions at:

If you can volunteer to help with the arrangements, clean, or supervise the Holi Hai Event on March 24th

1) available to volunteer at the beginning, around 11 am to 12 pm.
2) available to volunteer for any cleanup work at the end of the event.
3) available to monitor the crowd and keep things in check.
4) available to volunteer for the entire event.

Details to follow.