Satsang by Acharya Shri on 10th June 2023 at 4PM
Pustiparivar Canada cordially invites and calls upon the first spiritual retreat visit of Vaishnav Radaysamart Vaishnavacharya Goswami shri 108 Yadunathji Mahoday shri (Kadi- Ahmedabad) on the land of Vancouver Island to bless us all between 8th June 2023 and 14th June 2023.
In the presence of Aap Shri (Jeje Shri) at Victoria, we are going to conduct Satsang at Victoria Hindu Temple on 10th June 2023, 4 PM onwards following with Mahaprasad.
To make this event more successful, your kind support for this auspicious event in the form of donations will greatly be appreciated and accepted at: